love nature

I love walking in nature with my dogs and just experiencing, trying new trails, and getting lost and found. I always talk with animals no matter where I am or what kind they are. I feed the animals in my garden and once watched a grey lourie eat a grape. It was such a fascinating experience - I watched the grape go down the neck. From observing birds, I now feed them marrow bones, and even Tits and Robins love them, much to the dog's dismay.

One morning I woke to a strange sound - "bash, bash, bash". A sudden curiosity leered me out of bed to investigate where the sound was coming from. I walked into the lounge, in time to hear another "bash, bash". I saw two birds playing fly bash into the window from my hanging plant. I couldn't help but burst into laughter, then checked the time and realized it was breakfast time. I collected the seeds and fruit and went outside, the birds following me, pleased as pie that finally it was breakfast time. After this event, they became more savvy and found that the hanging plant outside my bedroom window was far more effective. Cheeky buggers!

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