Weather and healing

"We don't choose the weather in which we heal"
Ruth Allen

When the weather is sunny and warm,
we always feel sunnier and warmer,
than on cold, windy, and rainy days.
We would like our life,
like the weather to be always sunny and warm.
Everything is like a uniquely timed balance
As each of the weather elements has its part
Without cold,
We wouldn't know cuddle and togetherness to keep warm
Without wind,
We wouldn't know movement and freedom
Without the rain,
We wouldn't know nourishment and cleansing
Appreciating life,
like the weather, for all the elements contained,
For all the highs and lows,
Winds and stillness
warmth and cold
movement and stagnation
Each of these is part of the whole picture,
the whole puzzle

Imagine embracing each day for whatever the weather
Imagine how different life would be
Imagine how much lighter life would be
Imagine how much more content you would be

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