Wild or Crazy

"To be wild is not to be crazy or psychotic. True wildness is a love of nature, a delight in silence, a voice free to say spontaneous things, and an exuberant curiosity in the face of the unknown."
Robert Bly

I always thought I was crazy
People often tell me I'm crazy
One of my Masters read my blog and said, "You are crazy"
I would like to say, that in order to be a Master, you can not be regular.
The Masters I know, have all once been regular
I've always quite liked the idea of being crazy
It has allowed me to do what is close to my heart
However, Connecting with more people like me in the ecotherapy area
I have had a realisation

We are not all crazy
We are wild!
Wild because we are unpredictable
If someone says "should", we say why?
The restrictions of such boundaries will not contain us
It is our changeability, our passion, our dreams
Wildness is about freedom,
connection and seeing the beauty in everything
Wildness is about laughing,
from deep inside for no reason at all
Wildness is about embracing,
the darkness because you know it’s not black
Wildness is about a heart,
that shines so brightly, radiating out all it has

Most importantly,
Wildness is not just about me
It's about a connection to everything around
From the smallest organism to the furthest star

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